Interviews & Job Applications

Tips for getting hired

June 09, 2023

Working in the IT industry opens up a world of possibilities. But is there a right and wrong way to approach a job interview? Mara Jorge, People & Culture at Multivision, will give you tips on how to prepare.

What are the most common mistakes made by IT candidates?

The most common mistake is assuming that the recruiter is there for the company rather than for them (the candidate). Many candidates mistakenly believe that recruiters are only concerned about the business, failing to understand that in HR, the success of the process is directly related to the candidate's satisfaction. In a job market with more job opportunities than talents, going into an interview with the idea that the recruiter is not genuinely interested in helping is a sure way for the candidate to skip an open conversation, potentially overlooking essential details about themselves or their work. The recruiter-candidate relationship should always be based on trust because both parties want to achieve the same goal of connecting the best talent to the best project.

What discourages a recruiter the most? (Interviewee's behaviour)

When the candidate is not prepared or doesn't value the interview. Although Multivision has an informal environment, an interview is still a professional moment, whether in person or online. Particularly in online interviews, we frequently notice poor conditions for the meeting:  slow internet connection, video conference in public spaces or shared rooms with family members, which can lead to loss of information during the conversation.

Another discouraging factor is the candidate's attitude when they are at home. Engaging in other tasks on the computer while speaking with the recruiter or smoking during the interview are behaviours that some candidates do not realise as inappropriate since they might do those things while on a call with anyone else. Once again, the interview is strictly professional, and it is not the fact that it is taken in a personal environment that will change that. Our advice is: don't do anything online that you wouldn't do in an in-person interview.

Recruiters are dedicating their time to getting to know the candidate and presenting them with the best-suitable projects, probably offering an improvement in their professional life. Taking the interview seriously will show respect and professional ethics.

How can candidates be prepared for a job interview?

Preparation starts beforehand. When responding to or applying for a position, candidates should research the company (whether it is a consultancy or not) to understand if the culture and way of operating are aligned with their values. Further, they should prepare their CV according to the desired position, highlighting their skills and clearly defining their roles. During the interview, candidates should address all their doubts regarding the position, the hiring process, and the following recruitment steps. Regarding technical interviews, they should ensure they are prepared for exercises by reviewing fundamental concepts related to the technologies they will be discussing.

What is the profile of an IT professional sought by Multivision?

In addition to the professional experience, we seek communicative and open to new experiences profiles. Regarding candidates seeking relocation, they should be prepared for a cultural change. Our routines, work methods, and laws are different, even if they come from Brazil. Good English language skills will always be valued and often mandatory. Most of our projects are international, so effective communication is essential for professional performance and team collaboration.

What attitudes of a candidate distinguish them from others?

Someone with clear speech and well-defined objectives makes recruitment easier in any industry. In an IT fast-paced market, the more specific candidates are about their intentions (related to salary, technology, or career management), the faster we can find a position that aligns with their experience and goals. But again, it is a constantly changing market, so these candidates need to be constantly willing to learn about new technologies or trends in the business they are involved in.

Are there any essential skills?

In addition to the mandatory technical skills, social skills are equally important and can affect recruitment success. A poor attitude during an interview (behavioural or technical) can be interpreted as something that can disrupt the team's dynamics or cause difficulties in the business, leading to no hiring deal.

How long does a job interview usually take?

At Multivision, interviews usually take 1 hour. This ensures enough time to address all topics and clarify doubts. We provide an overview of our company, our clients, and job openings and provide time for the candidate to present an overview of their career and key skills. Depending on the open position, a technical test may be needed, which can take 20 to 30 minutes.

What tips can you give candidates willing to work in IT in Portugal?

The first tip is researching to move to Portugal thoroughly. Check several sources and don't rely on articles on the internet comparing the cost of living. Speak directly with people who have gone through the relocation process and can provide honest feedback about their experience. Often, we connect our candidates with some of our employees who have gone through that journey so they can hear firsthand how it's done and how Multivision can assist. Additionally, it should be a family decision if you are not coming alone, and everyone involved should feel comfortable and informed about the process. Remember that working in Portugal sometimes doesn't mean a significant income increase. Security, quality of life, new cultural and gastronomic experiences, a good public healthcare and educational system, and the possibility of travelling in Europe can be more valuable than salary.

How can those starting their careers and just graduated from university prove their worth to a recruiter?

Not all clients are looking for recent graduates and may prefer candidates with some professional experience. However, that does not mean that young professionals lack the capabilities to perform the job. Personal projects outside of the university, extracurricular activities, portfolios (Git or other repositories), additional training, certifications—anything that can add value and demonstrate technical skills will undoubtedly be considered in the recruitment process.

*This article was initially posted on Vagas Pelo Mundo's Website. 


Multivision is an IT Consulting Company with a multidisciplinary team specialized in Telecommunications and Information Technology services. 

Known for providing innovative solutions since 2007, we cover various business needs, from offering strategic counselling and developing cutting-edge software to hiring the most skilled tech talents through outsourcing and nearshore strategies. 

We can sum up our philosophy with one simple idea: Create growth. For us, for our customers, for our teams, and also for our community. “Grow to make you grow” is both our motto and our ultimate goal.

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